PEI在356度下,拉伸温度和挠曲模量分别在41和2068MPa以上。用玻纤、碳纤维增强的材料在接近玻璃态转变温度下,具有更高的强度和刚度。PEI在高温和应力下的长期抗蠕变性允许其在许多结构设备中代替金属和其它材料。在可变温度、湿气和频率条件下表现出很好的电性能。在GHz频率下的低损耗因数使PEI具有高的微波可穿性。它的离子型污染物低水准,在 250F R. H.和207kPa下120小时用水提取后的导电率,在20兆欧以上,它可用作电子传感器元件的绝缘材料。PEI是优良的涂层和成膜材料,能形成适用于电子工业的涂层和薄膜,并可用于制造孔径< 0.1μm、具有高渗透性的微孔隔膜。还可用作耐高温胶粘剂和高强度纤维等.由于PEI具有优良的综合平衡性能,卓有成效地应用于电子、电机和航空等工来部门,并用作传统产品和文化生活用品的金属代用材料。用PEI取代金属制造光纤连接器,可使元件结构化,简化其制造和装配步骤,保持更的尺寸。用于汽车领域,如用以制造高温连接件、高功率车灯和指示灯、控制汽车舱室外部温度的传感器空调温度传感器和控制空气和燃料混合物温度的传感器有效燃烧温度传感器。还可用作耐高温润滑油侵蚀的真空泵叶轮、在180℃操作的蒸镏器的磨口玻璃接头承接口、非照明的防雾灯的反射镜。
Pei is an excellent coating and film-forming material, which can form coating and film suitable for electronic industry, and can be used to manufacture microporous membrane with pore diameter < 0.1 μ m and high permeability. It can also be used as high temperature resistant adhesive and high strength fiber.
Pei has strong high temperature stability, even if it is non reinforced Pei, it still has good toughness and strength. Therefore, Pei can be used to make high temperature heat-resistant devices. Pei also has good flame retardant, chemical resistance and electrical insulation properties. The glass transition temperature is very high, up to 215 ℃. Pei also has low shrinkage and good isotropic mechanical properties. Adding glass fiber, carbon fiber or other fillers can achieve the pure of reinforcement and modification; it can also form heat-resistant polymer alloy with other engineering plastics, which can be used for a long time under the working temperature of - 160 ~ 180 ℃. UL stipulates that the long-term service temperature of polyetherimide resin is 338t and 356t. According to the grade, the combustion grade reaches ul94v-010 mil thickness. The oxygen index is 47, and Pei meets the FAA flame retardant and heat release material standards for aircraft internals. It has a glass transition temperature of 419f and allows intermittent use at 392f, resulting in short-term excursion at higher temperatures.
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