韩国道达尔PP BI961

    韩国道达尔PP BI961

  • 1212
  • 产品价格:12.00 元/千克
  • 发货地址:广东东莞樟木头 包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:9999.00 千克产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:160104005公司编号:15374994
  • 蒋先生 销售 微信 182006460..
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    相关产品: 韩国道达尔PP


韩华达尔石化有限公司(Hanwha Total)是韩华和道达尔的合资企业,更具体地说是三星综合化学品和道达尔石化的合资企业。韩华和道达尔各持有该公司50%股份。
加煅烧高岭土提高PP电绝缘性,加硅灰石针状有一定增强效果、提高PP表面硬度,加沉淀硫酸钡重晶石粉提高PP制品表面光泽、材料密度,加氢氧化铝、氢氧化镁水镁石粉作为阻燃剂使用,达到填充、阻燃、消烟三重效果,加炭黑制作导电塑料,PP达到*抗静电效果,提高耐光照老化性,加金属粉末制作导电塑料,达到*抗静电效果,加木粉降低成本、有利资源再生利用,加石墨、二硫化钼、聚四氟乙烯提高润滑性、减小摩擦力,对于PE、PP、PVC 三元共混物,除了加人相容剂CPE、EPR 外,还可利用反应挤出技术制备合金。如用马来酸酐或马来酸酯进行接枝反应来增容。在此方法中塑化、接枝反应、共混在螺杆挤出机中进行,能一次完成,要求螺杆挤出机的螺杆长径比在40左右,中间有排气和加料口,螺杆挤出机可以是单螺杆挤出机也可以是双螺杆挤出机。

PP是所有合成树脂中密度小的仅为0.90-0.91g/cm3,是PVC密度的60%左右。这意味着用同样重量的原料可以生产出数量更多同体积的产品。PP力学性能 的拉伸强度和刚性都比较好,但冲击强度较差,特别是低温时耐冲击性差。此外如果制品成型时存在取向或应力,冲击强度也会显著降低。虽然抗冲击强度差,但经过填充或增强等改性后,其机械性能在许多领域可与成本较高的工程塑料相竞争。

It is necessary to pay attention to the compatibility of different polymers in blending modification. When two kinds of polymers with poor compatibility are blended, it is often necessary to add the third component with good compatibility, which is called compatibilizer. The dielectric strength of PP is very high and increases with the increase of temperature. These are beneficial to electrical insulation materials in wet and hot environment. On the other hand, the surface resistance of PP is very high, so antistatic treatment must be carried out in some occasions. The application of PP in the field of industry and life consumption will get more rapid development. The sales volume of PP in China has been about 700000 tons a month. At present, China is one of the largest consumption countries in the world. With the colorful life, more and more PP products make consumers feel the superiority of science.

The company's regular channels of purchase, can open value-added tax tickets, our service is fast, Guangdong Province to support the collection of payments, door-to-door, outside the province can be delivered in 3 days. After the goods are delivered, please check the outer package as soon as sible. If a large number of packaging damage and raw materials leakage are found in the logistics process, please ask the logistics personnel to issue a certificate and keep it, and contact the sales department within 24 hours
欢迎来到东莞市晶宏塑胶原料有限公司网站,我公司位于素有“龙舟之乡、中国民间艺术之乡、举重之乡、粤剧之乡”之美誉,号为“世界工厂”的东莞市。 具体地址是广东东莞樟木头百顺小区三巷5号,负责人是蒋珂。
联系电话是0769-89977070, 主要经营晶宏塑胶原料有限公司长期低价供应各种品牌,各种系列,各种型号的塑料原料。绝对保证质量,物美价优。欲要了解更多的详情,请在本网页留言或者通过电话联系我,金红塑料将本着诚信为本,客户至上的原则竭力为您提供最优质的服务。。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。

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