PVB中间膜pvb胶膜生产线报价 PVB中间膜生产线

    PVB中间膜pvb胶膜生产线报价 PVB中间膜生产线

  • 2023-05-10 14:24 834
  • 产品价格:1000000.00 元/台
  • 发货地址:山东青岛胶州市 包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:9999.00 台产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:148915279公司编号:14215943
  • 赵先生 微信 186697369..
  • 进入店铺 在线咨询 QQ咨询 在线询价


he oven is heated and cooled. In order to increase production and ensure high-speed production of the production line, our company has unique insights and designs in the oven, heating and cooling sections. The oven plays the role of removing the excess moisture of the film, and more importantly, it removes the internal stress. The internal stress in the film can be completely removed, which can effectively prevent the film from shrinking during the high temperature bonding with the glass. The amount of control is better.

1. Adapt to different types of processing of many material systems
2, from loading to rewinding, a full set of integration, can do turnkey projects
3. Large output, low energy consumption and high degree of automation.

PVB胶片现市场上主要以原色胶片(用于建筑类夹层玻璃)和彩条胶片(其中彩条胶片又以蓝带和绿带为主,用于汽车前风挡玻璃).(也有其它颜色胶片.) PVB(原色胶片)外观为半透明薄膜,无杂质,表面平整,有一定的粗糙度和良好的柔软性,对无机玻璃有很好的粘结力、具有透明、耐热、耐寒、耐湿、机械强度高等特性,是当前世界上制造夹层、安全玻璃用的粘合材料,同时在建筑幕墙、招罩棚、橱窗、银行柜台、监狱探视窗、炼钢炉屏幕及各种玻璃等建筑领域也有广泛的应用

PVB glass interlayer film production line is our company's latest design concept, with reference to the production characteristics of pvb interlayer film, designed and produced professional equipment. Since 2012, the company has produced 2800mm, 3550mm, 4200mm and other PVB intermediate film production lines with a maximum output of 800kg/H and a thickness of 0.38-1.5mm. The production line has the following characteristics:

欢迎来到青岛欧瑞泰科塑料机械有限公司网站,我公司位于中国着名的品牌之都—青岛市 具体地址是山东青岛胶州市山东道35号,联系人是赵先生。
联系手机是18669736990, 主要经营青岛欧瑞泰科塑料机械有限始建于1991年,总占地面积15万平方米。主要产品:pvb胶膜生产线、双向拉伸膜生产线、ASA薄膜生产线、cpp薄膜生产线、pet片材生产线、pvdf薄膜生产线。产品含盖机械、化工、电子、塑料、纺职、钢铁等领域。。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 500 - 1000 万元。

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